Hybrid an organism produced by interbreeding of two animals or plants of different species or of genetically distinct populations within a species. Such offspring often possess genes passed on by each parent, yielding a combination of traits not known in previous generations At my ordination I received an impartation from a dear friend (Prophet Ivan Kennedy). At the time, I only felt the weight […]

Since I could remember I have always wrestled with perfection. This desire grew with age. If I didn’t accomplish my definition of perfection I would literally have a breakdown and feel like a failure. My perspective was tainted by false expectations of what perfection really was. Now, I have discovered that my high anxiety is […]

This past Sunday I preached a message called ‘Realm Seekers: The Secret Place of Prayer’. Dwelling within the secret place is a must for a realm seeker. What is a realm seeker, you say? A realm seeker is a disciple or pupil following Jesus unto the very hour into the next realm. He/She has disciplined themselves to […]

Happy head of the year to you! Welcome to 5780. It’s a new era. The book of records are opened and your ABBA father is currently writing your entire year out. This is literally the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a reset, renewal of covenant, and most of all a divine opportunity to […]

In this season I am hearing God say, “Leave Room For Rewrites!” Do you mind traveling back in time to your daily English class; when term papers and essays were do weekly? How about setting your paper line space to double, so your teacher could place “corrections”? Does red ink mean anything to you? That […]

Allow me to reintroduce myself…….my name is Prophetess LaToya Déshawn Smith the first of her name, the peacemaker, the remnant, the hybrid, the breaker of chains, and the winner of souls. HA! Clearly I am a Game of Thrones fan. I want to apologize for my extended absence. Honestly, I am still processing the impact […]

My favorite song by Bri Babineauxis ‘Jacob’s Song’. The last two minutes of that song has been ringing in my ears for over a month. As I sit with the news of being ordained March 24, 2019. The day I take an oath, vowing to accept my calling and everything that comes with it. Knowing […]

Dear Sis, Sooo……lets smirk and say, “2018 tried to kill us all.” No one was above the potential damage it could have caused. The turbulence was real but so were the blue skies. There were many nights filled with tears but more days with genuine smiles. I remember making a vow to God, many moons […]

As I reflect over my 33rd year. I can surely say I’ve seen God’s hand move in the most peculiar form possible. If you can recall 33 was my master year. It’s the number that signifies, God keeping His promises to you. I experienced so many Wowwwww God moments and a few Whoaaaaaaaaaa…..OMG! Many tears […]

Dear Sis, I would love to tell you that I embraced my recovery season with opened arms. Time after time I failed in spiritual rehab. I went through the stages of grief twice. Not just from a failed relationship but also the confidence I once possessed. My current grief stage is “acceptance”. Thankfully it is […]

I refuse to settle for someone that doesn’t share the same passion for God as I do. No amount of singleness will push me to the land of compromise. My loneliness will not overpower God’s will for my life. Regardless, of the length of time it takes him to place me in the path of […]

Dear Sis, I am currently choosing among the broken pieces of my heart to create wholeness once again. This year started off beyond what I could ever imagine. The right godly love had finally found me. As I allowed myself to fall deeply in love my once stone heart became flesh again. I began to […]

With every growing moon I am becoming more spiritually savage. I have broken away from the passive aggressive prayers I once uttered. Going boldly to the throne has become quite the habit. I would fall into my prayer closet consumed with despair and exit out roaring with confidence and much needed restoration. Becoming whole requires […]

Unlike everyone else that resides in Chicago, the summer time is not a season of fun in the sun or carefree for me. Like clockwork the enemy turns all the way up! The moment the clock strikes midnight to indicate the beginning of summer. All my troubles rush in like a flood. But before I […]

Webster defines the word wild in many ways. The definition that stuck out the most to me was: indicating distraction. These wild thoughts that I have been experiencing are just that a……. distraction. Allow me to elaborate please because I can hear your judgy minds as you draw your assumptions. I deem these thoughts wild […]

There’s something special about that raspy and soulful voice of the late Amy Winehouse. One of my favorites is her genius twist on the classic ‘Valerie’ the lyrics are so soothing. She sings so effortlessly, “And sometimes I go out by myself and I look across the water.” The thought of being by myself as the sound […]

Look into my eyes and tell me what it is you see. Some might say they see happiness, new found peace, desire and more. Allow me to re-introduce myself my name is LaToya (please put some respect on the capital T). The girl with the beautiful dark brown eyes filled with hope, desire, shame, guilt and destiny. If […]

My Christmas list is full of some of the dopest and trendiest things ever. I usually get almost everything on it. Over the years the list has became smaller. I have realized that material things just can’t fill the void that I have at times. Roughly about two years ago I created a Spiritual Christmas […]
Until the #MeToo movement took social media by storm. I never honestly labeled myself a victim or a survivor from abuse. As I began to read the breathtaking stories of countless women being subjected to a man’s lack of sexual control. I realized the writings were on the wall. For years I was subjected to […]

Recently, I have discovered that prophecies and dreams are conditional. Pending your actions they may or may not occur. Well, that was an eye opener to me alone. Especially, since I am living and breathing in the midst of the most entitled generation known to man. We all know the most Christian popular saying, “What God […]

The more I grow spiritually, the more I appreciate silence. These silent moments expose your thoughts and heart, while God speaks. Instructions, secrets, and treasures are disclosed. The exchange of worry for peace is just the beginning. Before you know it this peace of conversation you are encountering with God becomes a daily ritual. I […]

The Finale If I can be quite transparent. Lately, there has been struggle and restlessness within my spirit concerning you. Clearly, I am not sure who “you” are but you’ve been in my spirit. So I was instructed by my Pastor that so happens to be my mother (yeah I’m lucky lol) to go into […]

The number 8 is a special number. It is the number of “New Beginnings!” Hello August! I am expecting great things from you within the next 30 days. The last seven months have been me aligning myself with God and His will for my life. With alignment comes obedience and sacrifice. Those moments (yes, just moments) […]

So, the last time we connected I was so free indeed, embarking and embracing my newly recognized freedom! I find it to be no coincidence that the very thing that God has purposed and confirmed me to do; to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison […]
Growing up I was fortunate enough to have parents that stayed concerned about a good name. By the time I had turned 18 years-old I was an authorize user on both of my parents credit cards. Although, I had access I never had the card in hand (smart parents). Without me even knowing it they […]

Everyone has or has had dreams. If you are no longer dreaming, I guarantee that it is because you have been stalled, disappointed, rejected, hurt, lied to, or mistreated…. shall I continue?! When we speak things, they manifest. Sometimes we manifest our dreams into other people by speaking them and then doubting them (and ourselves). […]

Have you ever noticed the subtle signs of a known frenemy? Those patronizing remarks they give that provokes your very being. The sarcastic undertone when asking how you’re doing, when they really don’t care. Or worst they hope bad news follows. That frenemy who likes a photo on social media every once and awhile to […]

The spiritual attacks (Under Spiritual Construction) that occurred before my much anticipated trip to Dallas were severe. Just to attend the infamous T.D.Jakes MegaFest Conference. In hindsight it made much sense on why the battle was so intense. The whole experience has changed the trajectory of my life. If I was the enemy I would […]

At the beginning of June I felt compelled to read the entire book of Psalms. I figured this would be a blueprint to really become transparent with God. Within days the task of remembering what I just read needed to kick into full throttle. My only options were to faith it or fear it. Sadly, […]

Do you remember the song by Britney Spears, ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’? The lyrics must have been a future prophecy for today’s millennial woman. Let’s jump in a Delorean and sing along shall we…….”My loneliness is killing me (and I).” Okay stop (I know you continued on in your head lol)! I will […]
One of my favorite movies of all time is ‘Mean Girls’. This movie by far is pop culturally correct and hilarious throughout every scene. I’ve seen it millions of times and it never ceases to amaze me. I encourage you to watch this film. It will be one of the many blue prints of my […]

Blessings are descending every where around me. I am witnessing my close friends, family and peers receive exactly what we have been touching and agreeing upon. This can only mean one thing…….I AM NEXT! There is so much power within the phrase “I AM NEXT!” It holds more than just a promise but weight in the […]
There is a huge prophecy hanging over my head concerning you and I. When it was spoken over me. Doubt and disbelief crawled right in to make a permanent space. Despite the fact, at the time I hadn’t made a definite choice to chase God. I knew His word never wavers. Well, for others but […]

About a year ago the test to allow God to be my defense began. I found myself in the center of mess that I could honestly say I had no part in. Individuals that I already removed from my personal circle created conflict in my life and those around me. For years I had purposely […]
I have been studying the life of Abigail, the wife of King David. Abigail is no ordinary woman. I came across her story while reading about my favorite character David. Besides Jesus, he is by far the most relate able in the good book. The encounter of David and Abigail was nothing short of destiny. […]
I have felt lead to not only pray for you but the company you keep as well. No matter how old we are. The ones around us influence us the most. Their roles are essential to your growth or complacency. Your growth is vital to me. Your growth as a single man sets the tone […]

Joshua 1:3 I will give you every place where you set your feet. This scripture has been dwelling in my spirit throughout this harvest season. Entering into the Passover holiday the urge to dig deeper manifested. So much comfort, reassurance and promise lies within this one scripture. The sense of provision, alignment, and promotion […]
There’s this song by Tamar Braxton ‘Love and War’. It is one of my favorite songs. Her amazing range throughout the ballad raises goosebumps over my skin. The lyrics justifies my way of fighting. Like the infamous quote, “All is fair in love and war.” My words were like missiles piercing the clear skies of […]
I am finally being made whole from all the past hurt. Currently, allowing God to uncover any and everything that seems to be a barrier for me to love fluently and correctly. It’s hard accepting what’s in the mirror, once God reveals “you” to yourself. With His strength this once bitter girl is taking the […]

I AM FREE! I just love the way those 3 words flow from my mouth. They sound like chains breaking in my ears… even better than hearing the 3 words “I love you” from the people that you love most. Yes, I’m free in deed, or at least that’s what the Word––the Bible tells me. […]

With the world tugging on my desires every chance it gets. I find it overwhelming to trust His heart, when I can’t see His hand. The struggle is real. In Him I am this mighty woman of valor, His anointed one, the apple of His eye, and most of all His child. Yet, I still […]

The lessons I learned in 2016 changed the trajectory of my life for the better. I began 2016 creating attainable goals. Goals that I thought were a little far fetch and out of my league. I guess they were aligned with what God had in store for me. Six out of the seven goals I […]
They don’t understand me so they attack me. If they only knew. No, I don’t think I’m better but I know I am different. I refuse to be like the worst that they are so content in. Tears flow daily because the thought of being caught up in the whirlwinds of the generational curse haunts […]

The words, “It will be difficult for you to conceive.” Has haunted me since I was nineteen years old. With new beginnings on the rise such as; college and a marriage proposal. The tainted news of my womb being closed, shadowed me every where I went. I wrestled with unhealthy thoughts of this dreary diagnosis(ovarian […]

I will be 32 in two weeks. Oh! how I have learned to exchange my worries for laughter. Within a year my humility stance hasn’t wavered. With arms stretched wide I have surrendered every feeling of doubt, disbelief, worry, insecurity, and fear. Each time I have been succumbed by these overtaking emotions. I’ve discovered stability […]
Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, I am overtaken with anger. I cannot digest it. I cannot put out the raging fire. I feel like what you’ve allowed has eclipsed my faith. Your silence has deafened my ears. Your absence has shaken […]
I envy the woman that has unwavering faith in her purpose. That woman that knows exactly what she wants and who she is. You, know God, that specific woman that has mastered why you created her. The woman that has learned to rest in her contentment and walk the purposeful path you aligned for her. […]

PURPOSE AWAKENING, the breakout book of international speaker Touré Roberts, is about that transformational moment when you are awakened to the purpose of your life. Your life began with a brilliant thought in God’s mind. Your purpose, therefore, is the awakening to that thought. In this groundbreaking book, Touré introduces a new way to perceive the […]

Social media has been buzzing about the new modern day love story #ForeverDuncan. I must admit I was reluctant about the entire thing. Sort of not in the “mood” to participate in the hype. I didn’t join the crowd until a few days later. After, watching the video and reading the comments. I was completely […]

For the woman with endeavors far beyond the norm. For the woman that relentlessly pursues God’s will over her life. For the woman determined to wait for the promise instead of settling for the right now. For the woman that smiles because she has no fear of the future.

Favor – an act of kindness beyond what is due or unusual. I have been told my ENTIRE life, the God that I serve is merciful, compassionate, gracious, long-suffering and most of all loving. When you reach a certain level of spiritual maturity (there’s levels to this Christianity thing) you begin to learn what God’s […]

Picture sitting across from a dear friend at an outing. It’s just the two of you. You are enjoying the company and everything that comes with it. The laughs, the untouchable eye candy, the food and wine. But one of you are drowning in the inside. The weight of the world is beating the back […]
I am coming to you with a heart full of thanksgiving. Gratefulness and appreciation fills my heart when I think about the very existence of this person. I’m requesting greatness overwhelms this person like a firing squad. I’m asking for this person to be the strength when I am weak and the acceptor (is that […]

I’ll be 32 in 4 short months. The last 8 months I have purposely fallen under the thumb of gratitude. I went through a very humbling experience and I remember just asking God to grant me much needed wisdom and patience. I quickly discovered to be careful for what you pray for. Instead of gaining […]
Anxiety seems to be my biggest obstacle nowadays. I often find myself clutching my chest in order to re-teach myself to take deep breaths in the midst of an anxiety attack. They are no longer far and between like before. It’s quite and lonely suffering through anxiety. You look normal on the outside while screaming […]

I have met some amazing people on my purposeful walk. Some that have the means to change the face of music, this nation, and even how we think. Unfortunately, they never managed to tap into their calling due to premature success. I can name a few among myself that had God created doors open before […]
Father God, I come before you with a grateful heart full of thanksgiving. Your grace and mercy surely endures forever. You are loving and strong. You have protected me from danger seen and unseen. Lord, I find myself in many situations as the man known as, “The Man After Your Own Heart.” How David poured […]
Leading up to May 1, 2016 I was overwhelmed with multiple relationships or what our generation now call them “situationships.” I was growing tired emotionally and spiritually. I knew the desires of my heart but had no idea how to purposefully walk in them. Indeed, marriage is a desire and want of mine. I literally […]

One of the most popular terms to date right now is,“The struggle is real.” This statement is often said proceeding a natural battle with something meant to destroy you. Overcoming this “struggle” has been a public or private goal for many. The term is normally used when one is poverty stricken or for a lack […]
Today I allowed the spirit of complaining and murmuring to take over. From the moment I opened my eyes till now I haven’t stopped complaining. There were moments I tried to stop but it was like word vomit. Every word was easing down the murmuring road. Daddy God, I ask for you to forgive me.

I can’t count the many of nights my tears saturated my pillows due to whirlwinds. Some where self inflicted whirlwinds and others tried to sweep me away by association. If your foundation was built on sand these whirlwinds will take you for a ride of your life. But, if your foundation was built on solid […]

There are times in our lives when God literally just flat out tells us “No”. The “No”doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t deserve what you’re asking for. The very thing you’re asking for can bring much honor, glory and praise to him. But, if his “No” isn’t connected to him being magnified then what? His “No” could […]

Around this time right now. God is receiving many prayers from unmarried women asking one simple question,“WHERE IS MY BOAZ?” So many women (including myself) are walking around forcing themselves to be a Ruth to a Boaz they never have met or may never meet. Now, before you raise your eyebrow and get all defensive. […]

FLASHBACK: In grade school art class was every Friday. This particular Friday my fourth grade class was excited because we had just entered into the clay making section of the course. Since, the announcement at the beginning of the year; I knew I was going to create this breath taking wild horse fixture. The bell […]

Its incredibly hard to have the endeavors of becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman brand while living in the era of the Kardashians, Roses and the countless reality stars who are glorified. What does your brand say about you? I hear and see so many women misuse the term “Proverbs 31 Woman.” The real definition of a […]

I have been struggling on the topic “Love” for a very long time. I felt I have been in love but I have never actually been loved. This was due to being emotionally ripped several times from ungodly relationships. I soon came to realize I felt that way because it wasn’t love but lust. Yes, […]

There are times when I just need a little more from my friends and they just can’t seem to tap into what I’m really feeling. Ding! Ding! Ding! My first friend is feeling neglected and desiring my end of the covenant contract I made. God always grasps your attention. He’s that very faint voice that […]

When it all falls down, what’s underneath? When it seems your world is crumbling before you, what can you stand on? Growing up I didn’t actually realize how privileged I really was. I’m blessed to have grown up with Pastors as parents. The foundation that they build our family on has been shaken but never […]

There are so many remedies to cure the symptoms of the common cold. Naturally, we take over the counter meds and drink plenty of fluids. But, what if your common cold is spiritual? What if your symptoms aren’t a runny nose, congestion, sore throat and sneezing? How about anxiety and doubt being the culprit to […]

As God fearing people, we so often feel like we are forever walking in the shadows of the glorified sinners. The saying, “When it rains it pours” can so often be the backbone of murmuring and complaining. It always seems like the ones who fear God the least gets ahead. Nowadays, it’s so easy to […]

After, completely submitting myself to God I honestly thought things would change in seconds for me. Lacking the true depths of his works. I wanted him to be more of a microwave God. I quickly became discouraged often in every aspect of my life. Specific questions I thought needed answers swiftly I didn’t receive; so […]

Usually, when any type of relationship ends something negative is always said. Immediately, those words stick. You instantly forget about that confidence you so desperately fought to have. Now, you’re walking around with a made up label that an angry person cast upon your life. Instead of reversing it and sending it back to the […]
I’m coming to you full of frustration and confusion. I made an executive decision to worship you mind, body, and soul. I made a vow to remain celibate until you connect me with destiny. I wasn’t naive to think that this journey would be easy. I just didn’t prepare myself for the new form of […]